Setting Data Links Section 5-2
Note a) The total number of words in data link send and receive areas
must not exceed 20,000 per node when using Controller Link
Units with unit Ver. 1.2 or later, or 12,000 words per node if using
pre-Ver. 1.2 Controller Link Units.
b) The following values must be satisfied for each node for the data
link area 1 and area 2 so that the final word in the data link does
not go beyond the last word in the PLC memory area.
(Data link start word – 1) + (Total number of send/receive
words in area 1 or area 2)
≤ 6143 (CIO Area)
199 (LR Area)
32767 (DM Area, EM Area)
c) Refer to the Controller Link Support Boards Operation Manual
(W307) for information on the Controller Link Support Board.
d) If CX-Net detects an error during the data link table check, trou-
bleshoot the error referring to
9-4 Troubleshooting Error Mes-
sages in CX-Net Data Link Table Check
Setting item Setting range
PLC model Set the model of the PLC’s CPU Unit.
Nodes 1 to 32
Set the address of the refresh nodes.
It cannot be set to a parameter exceeding the “maximum node
address” of the network parameter.
First data link sta-
tus word
Set the first word to store data link status. An area of 16 words
is used.
IR Area: IR 001 to IR 220, IR 300 to IR 496 (*)
LR Area: LR 00 to LR 48
DM Area: DM 0000 to DM 5984
EM Area: Banks 00 to 15, EM 0000 to EM 6128
(EM must be installed)
*: When IR 000 is specified or when the default setting (
is left unchanged, the default first status word will be used.
Refer to 5-4 Checking Data Link Status for details.
Area 1 Data link
start word
IR Area: IR 000 to IR 235, IR 300 to IR 511
LR Area: LR 00 to LR 63
DM Area: DM 0000 to DM 5999
EM Area: Banks 00 to 15, EM 0000 to EM 6143
(EM must be installed)
The same area cannot be set for both area 1 and area 2. Set
different areas.
Number of
Remote nodes: 0 to the number of source words
Set the number of words to be received.
Local node: 0 to 1,000
Set the number of words to be transmitted.
The total number of words in area 1 and area 2 in each node
must not exceed 1,000.
The numbers of words in both area 1 and area 2 in each node
must not be set to 0.
Offset Remote nodes: 0 to one less than number of source words
Set the offset for the data to be received.
Local node: Cannot be set.
This setting is not required if an offset is not used.