
Response Codes Section 6-7
22: Not executable in cur-
rent mode
01 The mode is wrong (executing). Check the operating mode.
Data links are active. Check the data link status before execution.
02 The mode is wrong (inactive). Check the operating mode.
Data links are active. Check the data link status before execution.
03 The PLC is in the PROGRAM mode. Check the PLC’s mode.
04 The PLC is in the DEBUG mode. Check the PLC’s mode.
05 The PLC is in the MONITOR mode. Check the PLC’s mode.
06 The PLC is in the RUN mode. Check the PLC’s mode.
07 The specified node is not the control
Check which node is the control node.
08 The mode is wrong and the step can-
not be executed.
Check whether the step has active status or
23: No Unit 01 A file device does not exist where spec-
Mount the Memory Card or disk
02 The specified memory does not exist. Check the specifications of the installed file
03 No clock exists. Check the model number.
24: Start/stop not possi-
01 The data link tables either have not
been created or are incorrect.
Set the data link tables correctly.
25: Unit error 02 Parity/checksum error occurred
because of incorrect data.
Transfer correct data into memory.
03 I/O setting error (The registered I/O
configuration differs from the actual.)
Either change the actual configuration to
match the registered one, or generate the I/
O table again.
04 Too many I/O points Redesign the system to remain within per-
missible limits.
05 CPU bus error (An error occurred dur-
ing data transfer between the CPU Unit
and a CPU Bus Unit.)
Check the Unit, Service Boards, and cable
connections and issue the ERROR CLEAR
06 I/O duplication error (A rack number,
unit number, or I/O word allocation has
been duplicated.)
Check the system’s settings and eliminate
any settings that occur twice.
07 I/O bus error (An error occurred during
data transfer between the CPU Unit
and an I/O Unit.)
Check the Unit, Service Boards, and cable
connections and issue the ERROR CLEAR
09 SYSMAC BUS/2 error (An error
occurred during SYSMAC BUS/2 data
Check the Unit, Service Boards, and cable
connections and issue the ERROR CLEAR
0A Special I/O Unit error (An error
occurred during CPU Bus Unit data
Check the Unit, Service Boards, and cable
connections and issue the ERROR CLEAR
0D Duplication in SYSMAC BUS word allo-
Check and regenerate the I/O table.
0F A memory error has occurred in inter-
nal memory, in the Memory Card, or in
Expansion DM during the error check.
If the error occurred in internal memory or
the EM Unit, correct the data in the com-
mand an execute it again.
If the error occurred in a Memory Card or
EM used for file memory, the file data has
been corrupted. Execute the MEMORY
CARD FORMAT command for the PLC.
If the above remedies do not eliminate the
error, replace the faulty memory.
10 Terminator not connected in SYSMAC
BUS System.
Connect the terminator correctly.
Main code Sub-
Probable cause Remedy