Response Codes Section 6-7
01: Local node error 01 Local node not part of Network Add to Network.
02 Token time-out, node address too large Set the local node’s node address below
the maximum node address.
03 Number of transmit retries exceeded Check communications with ECHOBACK
TEST. If the test fails, check network.
04 Maximum number of frames exceeded Either check the execution of events in the
network and reduce the number of events
occurring in one cycle, or increase the max-
imum number of frames.
05 Node address setting error (range) Correctly set the Controller Link BIOS /N
option. Make sure the node address is
within specified range and that there are no
node addresses that are set twice.
06 Node address duplication error Make sure that there are no node
addresses that are set twice.
02: Destination node
01 Destination node not part of Network Add to Network.
02 No node with the specified node
Check the destination node’s node address.
03 Third node not part of Network Check the third node’s node address.
Broadcasting was specified. Check the control data and specify only one
node as the third node.
04 Busy error, destination node busy Increase the number of transmit retry
attempts or re-evaluate the system so that
the destination node is not so busy receiv-
ing data.
05 Response time-out, message packet
was corrupted by noise
Increase the number of transmit retry
Response time-out, response watch-
dog timer interval too short
Increase the value for the response watch-
dog timer interval in the control data.
Frame lost in transmission Check the error log and correct the process.
03: Communications con-
troller error
01 Error occurred in the communications
controller, ERC indicator is lit
Take corrective action, referring to commu-
nications controller errors and remedies
table at end of this section.
02 CPU Unit error occurred in the PLC at
the destination node
Clear the error in the CPU Unit (refer to the
PLC’s operation manuals).
03 A controller error has prevented a nor-
mal response from being returned.
Check network communications status and
reset the controller board. If the error still
exists, replace the controller board.
04 Unit address setting error Make sure the Unit address is within the
specified range and that there are no node
addresses that are set twice.
04: Not executable 01 An undefined command has been
Check the command code and be sure that
the Unit supports it.
02 Cannot process command because the
specified unit model or version is
Check the unit model and version.
Main code Sub-
Probable cause Remedy