
Epson Research and Development
Page 5
Vancouver Design Center
13505SHOW Demonstration Program S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/02 X23A-B-002-05
3. To show a color pattern for a specific bit-per-pixel mode, type the following:
13505SHOW b=[mode]
where mode = 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, or 16.
The program will display the requested screen and then exit.
4. To show the color patterns in portrait mode, type the following:
13505SHOW /p
The program will display 16 bit-per-pixel mode. Press any key to go to the next screen. The
program will next display 15 bit-per-pixel mode and then 8 bit-per-pixel mode. Since portrait
mode is limited to 8, 15, and 16 bit-per-pixel mode the program exits. To exit the program im-
mediately press ESC.
The /p switch can be used in combination with other command line switches.
5. To show solid vertical stripes, type the following:
13505SHOW /s
The program will display 16 bit-per-pixel mode. Press any key to go to the next screen. The
program will display 15 bit-per-pixel mode. Once all screens are shown the program exits. To
exit the program immediately press ESC.
The /s switch can be used in combination with other command line switches.
Using 13505SHOW For Testing
1. To show a test grid over the color pattern, type the following:
13505SHOW b=8 /g
The program will display the 8 bit-per-pixel color pattern overlaid with a one pixel wide white
grid and then exit. The grid makes it obvious if the image is shifted or if pixels are missing.
Note the grid is not aligned with the color pattern, therefore the color boxes will not match the
grid boxes.
The /g switch can be used in combination with other command line switches.
2. To test background memory reads, type the following:
13505SHOW b=16 /read
The program will test screen reads. If there is a problem with memory access, the displayed
pattern will appear different than when the /read switch is not used. If there is a problem,
check the configuration parameters of 13505SHOW using the utility 13505CFG. See the
13505CFG user guide, document number X23A-B-001-xx, for more information.
The /read switch should be used in combination with the b= setting, otherwise the test will
always start with the 16 bit-per-pixel screen. To exit the program after using /read, press
ESC and wait for a couple of seconds (the keystroke is checked after reading a full screen).