Battery Installation
1. Ensure that the battery is fully charged.
2. Place the battery in the battery holder.
3. Install the battery vent tube.
NOTE: The v ent tube must be free of obstructions and securely
installed. Route the tube away from the frame and vehicle
body to prevent c ontact with electrolyte.
Battery gases could accumulate in an improperly installed vent
tube and cause an explosion, resulting in s erious injury or death.
Always ensure that the vent tube is free of obs tructions and is
securely installed as recommended.
4. Coat the terminals w ith d ielectric g rease or petroleum jelly.
5. Connect and tighten the red (positive) cable first.
6. Connect and tighten the black (negative) cable last.
7. Reinstall the battery cover. Secure the hold-down strap.
8. Verify that cables are properly routed.
NOTE: Cables should be s afely tucked away a t the front and rear of
the battery.