Run-Flat Tires
This ATV i s equipped with run-flat tires, which permit limited
operation with a flat tire. However, ATV load capacity is reduced when
tire air pressure is lost. Remove cargo from the racks and do not tow a
load with flat tires. Vehicle characteristics, including b raking and
handling, may also be affected by operating with flat tires. If you must
operate the vehicle with a flat tire, drive no further and no faster than
necessary, and travel on smooth and level terrain whenever possible.
Failure to reduce travel distance, v ehicle speed and cargo weight
when air pressure is lost in run-flat tires could result in loss of
control or tire damage. This c ould lead to serious injury or death.
If you must operate the vehicle wit h flat tires, remove all cargo
and towed loads from the ATV, and do not ex ceed 50 miles (80
Have the t ire(s) ins pected by an authorized P olaris dealer as
soon as possible and before further us e.
Your vehicle is equipped with
both a front (1) and a rear (2)
winch. These winches operate
independently. Use the pod
switch to select one of the
winches. Use the handlebar
switch to operate the selected
Refer to the winch
manufacturer’s Basic Guide to
Winching Techniques,
provided with your ATV, for
complete winch operation