Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
6.5.2 INQUIRY Command (12h)
The INQUIRY command (Table 6-30) requests that information regarding parameters of the UFI device itself
be sent to the host. It is used by a driver on the host to ask the configuration of the UFI device, typically after
power-on or hardware reset.
Table 6-30: INQUIRY Command
The EVPD (Enable Vital Product Data) is set to zero.
The Logical Unit Number field specifies the logical unit (0~7) for which Inquiry data should be returned.
The Page Code field specifies which page of vital product data information the UFI device shall return to the
Host Computer. The UFI device supports only Page Code zero (00h), Standard Inquiry Data.
Allocation Length specifies the maximum number of bytes of inquiry data to be returned. A value of zero
will not cause an error.
The UFI device shall always return the Inquiry Data, up to the number of bytes requested. The UFI device
does not use the INQUIRY command to report the media status, such as media change or drive not ready.
The Inquiry command shall not effect the drive unit condition or media status.
■ Standard Out INQUIRY Data
The UFI device shall return a standard INQUIRY data, containing 36 required bytes, on the Bulk In endpoint.
Table 6-31: INQUIRY Data Format
Peripheral Device Type: identifies the device currently connected to the requested logical unit.
00h Direct-access device (floppy)
1Fh none (no FDD connected to the requested logical unit)