Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4 Capacity List
Upon receipt of this command block, the UFI device returns a Capacity List (Table 6-36) to the host on the
Bulk In endpoint.
- No media in FDU: Capacity List Header + Maximum Capacity Header
- Media in FDU: Capacity List Header + Current Capacity Header + Formattable Capacity Descriptors
Table 6-36: Capacity List
The Capacity List Header (Table 6-37) gives the length of the descriptor data to follow.
Table 6-37: Capacity List Header
The Capacity List Length field specifies the length in bytes of the Capacity Descriptors that follow. Each
Capacity Descriptor is eight bytes in length, making the Capacity List Length equal to eight times the number
of descriptors.
The Current/Maximum Capacity Descriptor (Table 6-38) describes the current medium capacity if media is
mounted in the UFI device and the format is known, else the maximum capacity that can be formatted by the
UFI device if no media is mounted, or if the mounted media is unformatted, or if the format of the mounted
media is unknown.
Table 6-38: Current/Maximum Capacity Descriptor
The Number of Blocks field indicates the total number of addressable blocks for the descriptor’s media type.
The Descriptor Code (Table 6-39) field specifies the type of descriptor returned to the Host.