Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
a configuration if the device were operating at the other speed. A request for a configuration descriptor returns
the configuration descriptor, all interface descriptors, and endpoint descriptors for all of the interfaces in a
single request. The first interface descriptor follows the configuration descriptor. The endpoint descriptors for
the first interface follow the first interface descriptor. If there are additional interfaces, their interface
descriptor and endpoint descriptors follow the first interface’s endpoint descriptors. Class-specific and/or
vendor-specific descriptors follow the standard descriptors they extend or modify.
All devices must provide a device descriptor and at least one configuration descriptor. If a device does not
support a requested descriptor, it responds with a Request Error.
Default state: This is a valid request when the device is in the Default state.
Address state: This is a valid request when the device is in the Address state.
Configured state: This is a valid request when the device is in the Configured state. Get Interface (Request Code 10)
This request returns the selected alternate setting for the specified interface.
Some USB devices have configurations with interfaces that have mutually exclusive settings. This request
allows the host to determine the currently selected alternate setting.
If wValue or wLength are not as specified above, then the device behavior is not specified. If the interface
specified does not exist, then the device responds with a Request Error.
Default state: Device behavior when this request is received while the device is in the Default state
is not specified.
Address state: A Request Error response is given by the device.
Configured state: This is a valid request when the device is in the Configured state. Get Status (Request Code 0)
This request returns status for the specified recipient.
The Recipient bits of the bmRequestType field specify the desired recipient. The data returned is the current
status of the specified recipient.
If wValue or wLength are not as specified above, or if wIndex is non-zero for a device status request, then the
behavior of the device is not specified.
If an interface or an endpoint is specified that does not exist, then the device responds with a Request Error.
Default state: Device behavior when this request is received while the device is in the Default state is not
Address state: If an interface or an endpoint other than endpoint zero is specified, then the device
responds with a Request Error.
Configured state: If an interface or endpoint that does not exist is specified, then the device responds
with a Request Error.
A GetStatus() request to a device returns the information shown in Figure 6-32.