
SATO M-5900RV Operator and Technical Reference Manual
Page 6-3
Section 6. Troubleshooting
PN 9001081
Rev. C
6. While checking the Hex Dump printout, do you notice 0D 0A (Carriage Return
and Line Feed) characters throughout? The command string should be
continuous. No CR or LF characters are allowed between the Start Command
(<ESC>A and the Stop Command (<ESC>Z. If you are using BASIC, it may
be adding these characters automatically as the line wraps. Adding a "width"
statement to your program can help to suppress these extra 0D 0A characters
by expanding the line length up to 255 characters. See the beginning of
Section 4: Programming Reference for details on writing a program in Basic.
If you're not programming in BASIC, check to see it you have an equivalent
statement in the language you're using to suppress extra carriage returns and
line feeds from the data being sent out to the printer. The data stream should
be one complete line going to the printer.
Using the Centronics (Parallel) Interface