SATO M-5900RV Operator and Technical Reference Manual
Page A-6
Appendix A. Command Quick Reference
PN 9001081
Rev. C
OA Font type. Specifies the OCR-A font with dot matrix. Page 4-36
OB Font type. Specifies the OCR-B font with dot matrix. Page 4-36
Paa Character Pitch. Designates the number of dots between Page 4-28
aa = Number of dots between characters (01-99)
PR Fixed Font Spacing. Returns the printer to fixed character Page 4-27
spacing mode.
PS Proportional Font Spacing. Places the printer in the Page 4-30
proportional character spacing mode. Will not work with U Font.
Qaaaaaa Print Quantity. Specifies the total number of labels to print. Page 4-63
aaaaaa = Total number of labels to print for the job.
R Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point. Rotates the printing Page 4-72
of all subsequent images by 90 degrees conterclockwise
each time it is used. Also moves the base reference point.
RMaaaa,bbbb Mirror Image. Prints mirror image of data. Page 4-54
S Font type. Specifies the 8W x 15H dot matrix font (including Page 4-36
Tabcc(data) Store Custom Designed Characters. To create and store Page 4-23
custom characters or images in the printer's volatile memory.
See Kab90cc to recall the character for printing.
a = 1 16 x 16 matrix
2 24 x 24 matrix
b = Specifies data stream format to follow
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
cc = Memory location to store the character.
Valid locations are 21 to 52 or "!" to "R" in hex values.
(data) = Data to describe the character.
U Font type. Specifies a 5W x 9H dot matrix font (including Page 4-36
aaaa = Horizontal distance in dots of the image area
to be mirrored.
bbbb = Vertical distance in dots of the image area
to be mirrored.