SATO M-5900RV Operator and Technical Reference Manual Page A-9
Appendix A. Command Quick Reference
PN 9001081
Rev. C
*a Clear Print Job(s) and Memory. Clears individual memory Page 4-31
and buffers.
a = When not included in command, clears print jobs in
Multi-Buffer mode
a = If included in command, specifies memory section
to be cleared.
T Custom character memory, printer
& Form overlay memory, printer
X Clears all memory of memory and buffers
@,nn...n Off-Line/Pause. Signals the printer to go off-line after the Page 4-56
completion of a print job.
nn...n = Optional 32 character message to be displayed on
the LCD.
~aaaa Cutter Command. Controls the cutting of labels when using Page 4-35
the optional SATO cutter unit. (A<NULL> can be used in place
of the "~" .)
aaaa = Number of labels to print between each cut (0000-9999)
Calendar Option Commands
WA(elements) Calendar Print. Prints the date and/or time field (up to 16 Page 4-79
characters) from the printer's internal clock. Use slash to
separate date elements and colon to separate time elements.
elements = YY 2 digit Year (00-91)
YYYY 4 digit Year (1981-2080)
MM Month (01-12)
DD Day (01-31)
HH 12 Hour Clock (00-11)
hh 24 Hour Clock (00-23)
mm Minutes (00-59)
ss Seconds (00-59)
JJJ Julian Date (000-366)
WW Week (00-53)
ww Week (01-54)
WPabbb Calendar Increment. To add a value to the printer's current Page 4-77
date and/or time. Does not change the printer's internal setting.
a = Y Years
M Months
D Days
h hours
bbb = Numeric data. Years (1-9), Months (01-99), Weeks (00-99),
Days (001-999), Hours (001-999).
WTaabbccddee Calendar Set. To set the time and date of the printer's Page 4-81
internal clock.
aa = Year (00-99)
bb = Month (01-12)
cc = Day (01-31)
dd = Hour (00-23)
ee = Minute (00-59)