28 Installing and configuring the product
Verifying the configuration files
Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast configuration files
The following files are required by the VCS communication services for Group
Membership and Atomic Broadcast (GAB).
After installation, the file /etc/gabtab contains a gabconfig(1M) command
that configures the GAB driver for use.
The file /etc/gabtab contains a line that resembles:
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n N
where the -c option configures the driver for use and -n N specifies that the
cluster will not be formed until at least N systems are ready to form the cluster.
N is the number of systems in the cluster.
Checking Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast operation
This section describes how to check GAB operation.
To check GAB operation
■ Enter the following command on each node in the cluster.
# /sbin/gabconfig -a
If GAB is operational, the following output displays with GAB port
membership information:
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen 1bbf01 membership 01
Port b gen 1bbf06 membership 01
Port f gen 1bbf0f membership 01
Port h gen 1bbf03 membership 01
Port v gen 1bbf0b membership 01
Port w gen 1bbf0d membership 01
If GAB is not operational, the following output display with no GAB port
membership information:
GAB Port Memberships
See the Veritas Cluster Server User’s Guide.