
58 Adding and removing a node
Removing a node from a cluster
4 Remove system03 from the system list attribute of the CVM and SFCFS
service groups:
# hagrp -modify service_group SystemList -delete system03
# hagrp -modify cvm SystemListf -delete system03
where service_group is the command that displays the service groups by
hagrp -dep cvm.
If an error message similar to the following is displayed by either of the
above commands:
VCS:10456:Configuration must be ReadWrite. (’hagrp
-modify ...
Repeat step 3 and the command that failed in step 4.
5 Write the new VCS configuration to disk:
# haconf -dump -makero
6 Edit /etc/llthosts on the remaining nodes of the cluster, and remove the
entry corresponding to the node being removed.
7 Edit /etc/gabtab on the remaining nodes of the cluster and edit the
gabconfig command to reflect the correct and new number of nodes in the
8 Login to system03 and remove the following files:
# rm /etc/vxfenmode
# rm /etc/llthosts
# rm /etc/llttab
# rm /etc/gabtab
9 If fencing was enabled on the cluster, run the following commands:
# rm /etc/vxfentab
# rm /etc/vxfendg
10 If necessary, modify the /etc/gabtab file. No change is required to this file
if the /sbin/gabconfig command has only the argument -c, although
Symantec recommends using the -nN option, where N is the number of
cluster systems. If the command has the form /sbin/gabconfig -c -nN,
where N is the number of cluster systems, then make sure that N is not
greater than the actual number of nodes in the cluster, or GAB does not
automatically seed.
Modify /etc/llthosts file on each remaining nodes to remove the entry
of the leaving node.
11 Change to the install directory:
# cd /opt/VRTS/install