
38 Upgrading the product
Upgrade Overview
Upgrade Overview
There are two ways to upgrade cluster nodes to the latest version of Storage
Foundation Cluster File System: phased and full.
Phased upgrade
A phased upgrade minimizes downtime by upgrading portions of the cluster,
one at a time. Although the entire cluster is offline for a shorter period than a
full upgrade, this method requires command-line interaction and some manual
configuration. Each phase of the phased upgrade should be performed on more
than one node of the cluster. Cluster will be offline only during step 4 and step 5
below for a phased upgrade.
Note: A phased upgrade should not be performed from one of the nodes in the
The stages of the phased upgrade procedure are:
1 Select two or more nodes to upgrade.
2 Install the new version.
3 Shut down VCS on remaining non-upgraded nodes.
4 Modify the configuration information in the main.cf file.
5 Install the new version on each remaining node and reboot them.
Full upgrade
A full upgrade upgrades the product on the entire cluster and the cluster
remains offline for the duration of the procedure. Minimal command-line
interaction and some manual configuration are required.
The stages of the full upgrade procedure are:
1 Install the new version on all the nodes.
2 Modify the configuration information in the main.cf file.
3 Bring up the cluster.