30 Phaser 850 Color Printer
EtherTalk and TokenTalk Configuration
Changing the printer’s name: PhaserLink Printer Management
1. Connect to the printer via PhaserLink (see Accessing the printer from a browser on
page 33).
2. On the left side of any PhaserLink page, click Settings.
3. In the INTERFACES group, click EtherTalk or TokenTalk.
4. In the Printer Name field, enter the desired printer name, then click Apply at the
bottom of the page.
Changing the printer’s EtherTalk/TokenTalk zone
There are two ways to change the printer’s zone:
■ With a TCP/IP connection and a World Wide Web browser, you can use PhaserLink
Printer Management Software; see the next topic Changing the printer’s zone:
PhaserLink Printer Management Software on page 30.
■ You can also change the printer’s zone using PostScript utility files; see the README
files on the printer’s CD-ROM. The Macintosh README file is in the Network
Utilities folder; the PC README file is in the UTILS directory.
Changing the printer’s zone: PhaserLink Printer Management
1. Connect to the printer via PhaserLink (see Accessing the printer from a browser on
page 33).
2. On the left side of any PhaserLink page, click Settings.
3. In the INTERFACES group, click EtherTalk or TokenTalk.
4. In the Zone field, enter the desired zone, then click Apply at the bottom of the page.