Performance Tests
Performance Verification
H Press the bottom Configure button to select Slave.
4. Turn on CH1 output on both AWG2005 instruments : Push the CH1
button so that the LED above the CH1 output connector is on.
5. Check the slave operation:
a. Change the master AWG2005 operation mode from Triggered to
b. Check the operation: Check that the two waveforms displayed on
the oscilloscope have a same timing relation and a stable display.
6. Disconnect test hookup:
a. Remove connections: Disconnect all connections to the both
AWG2005 instruments and oscilloscope.
This procedure checks the AWG2005 DIGITAL DATA OUT at the rear panel.
This check requires that the AWG2005 has Option 04 installed.
Electrical Characteristic Checked: Auxiliary Output, DIGITAL DATA
OUT, Level, on pageĂ1Ć14.
Equipment Required: Digital data out cable, 2 X13 header, probe and
Prerequisites: The AWG2005 meets the prerequisites listed on page 4Ć7.
1. Install test hookup and set test equipment controls:
a. Hook up termination board: Connect a digital data output cable to
the AWG2005 rearĆpanel CH1 DIGITAL DATA OUT output (see
Figure 4Ć21).
b. Hook up oscilloscope:
H Connect the oscilloscope probe to the CH1 vertical input.
H Connect the probe groundĆclip to the GND pin of 2 X13 header.
Check (Option 04)