Removal and Installation Procedures
AWG2005 Service Manual
FloppyĆdisk Drive Module
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. You will need a screwdriver with a size TĆ10 Torx tip and a size
#1ĂPhillips tip to do this procedure.
b. Locate the modules to be removed in the locator diagram, Internal
Modules, in Figure 6Ć4.
2. Remove rear shield cover: Do the Rear Shield Cover procedure on
3. Remove A23 Analog board or A3 Analog board (Option 02): Do the A23
Analog board or A3 Analog board procedure on pageĂ6Ć29, removing
the A23 Analog board or A3 Analog board.
4. Orient instrument: Set the AWG2005 with the left side down on the work
surface and the bottom facing you.
5. Remove all circuit boards: Do the procedure, Circuit Boards,on
6. Remove floppyĆdisk drive module:
a. Using a screwdriver with a size TĆ10 Torx tip, remove the six screws
securing the floppyĆdisk drive cover to the chassis (see Figure 6Ć24).
b. Disconnect the flat cable of the floppy disk drive.
c. Using a screwdriver with a size #1 Phillips tip, remove the three
screws securing the floppyĆdisk drive to the bracket.
d. Using a screwdriver with a size #1 Phillips tip, remove the three
screws securing the spacer to floppyĆdisk drive.
e. Grasp the upper part of the floppyĆdisk, and pull it upward to reĆ
move it.
7. Reinstallation:
a. Install floppyĆdisk drive module: Do substeps 6a-6e in reverse
b. Install circuit boards: Do the procedure, Circuit Boards,on
pageĂ6Ć45, in reverse order.
c. Install A23 Analog board: Do the part on removing the A23 Analog
board on page 6Ć29 in reverse order. This completes the reinstallaĆ