AWG2005 Service Manual
Removal and Installation Procedures
This subsection describes removing and installing the mechanical and
electrical modules in the AWG2005.
This subsection contains the following:
H Preparatory information
H A list of equipment required in removing modules
H Module locator diagrams for finding each module in the AWG2005
H Procedures for removing and reinstalling electrical and mechanical
To avoid possible personal injury or damage to AWG2005 compoĆ
nents, read the Preparation for Use subsection in section 2, and
Preventing ESD in the subsection, Before Maintenance. Read the
Safety Summary found near the beginning of this manual before
doing any procedure in this manual.
To avoid possible personal injury or death, disconnect the power
cord from the line voltage source before doing any procedures in
this section.
List of Mechanical Parts
Section 10, Mechanical Parts List, lists all mechanical parts in the AWG2005.