35. Attachthe loop on the end of the Low PulleyCable
(75) to the indicatedhole in the Small Leg Lever (41)
with a 3/8" x 2 3/4" Bolt(46), two 3/8" Flat Washers
(48), and a 3/8" Nylon Jamnut (63).
36. Remove a Pro Pulley (26) from the bag labeled
Identifythe Press Cable (72). It isapproximately389
1/2"long and it has a ball on one end and a threaded
shaft on the other. You willbegin by attachingthe end
with the ball.
Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda Pro Pulley(26)
inthe directionshown.Attach the Pulleyto the indi-
cated hole in the Press Top Frame (9) with a 3/8" x
3 1/2" Bolt (56), a 3/8" Flat Washer (48), and a 3/8"
NylonJamnut (63). Make sure the Cable is between
the Pulley and the welded pin on the Press Top
37. Routethe threaded end of the Press Cable (72)
aroundthe 3 1/2" Pulley (24) that is already mounted
on the Top Frame (9).
38. Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda 3 1/2" Pulley (24)
in the directionshown.Attach the Pulleyto the indicat-
ed holein the Press Upright(2) with a 3/8" x 3 3/4"
Bolt(59), a 3/8" Flat Washer (48) and a 3/8" Nylon
Locknut(50). Make sure the Cable Trap is oriented
as shown.