Note: This introduction will save you more time
than it takes to read itl
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Some assembly steps require two people.
Giving Yourself a Good Start
Beforeyou begin the assembly processitself,take
the bmeto complete the steps outlinedhere.
Clearing the Workspace
Clear a workspace that is largeenough to holdall
parts and allow you to walk all the way around the
assembled equipment.
Unpacking the Box
To make the assembly processas smoothas possi-
ble,we have broken it intoseparate stages. Allparts
used in each stage are found in individualpackages
in the shippingbox. Place all parts in a cleared area
and removethe packing materials. Do not disposeof
the packingmaterials untilassembly _scompleted.
Important: Wait until you begin each assembly
stage to open the parts bag labeled for that
assembly stage,
Identifying Parts
To helpyou identifythe small parts used in assem-
bly,we have includeda PART IDENTIFICATION
CHART located in the center ofth_smanual. Place
the chart on the floor or worktable and use itto
quickly identifydifferentpartsas you open the pack-
ages for each step. Note Some small parts may
have been pra-attached for shipping.If a part is not
in the parts bag, check to see if ithas been pre-
Orienting Parts
As you assemble this product,be sure that all parts
are orientedas shown in the drawings.
Tightening Parts
Tighten all partsas you assemble them, unless
instructedto do otherwise.
Lining Up the Tools
Assembly requiresthe following tools (not included):
• Two (2) adjustablewrenches
• One (1) standard screwdriver
• One (1) phillipsscrewdriver
• One (1) rubber mallet
• Lubricant,such as grease or petroleumjelly,
and soapy water
• Tape, such as clear tape or maskingtape
Assemblywill be more convenientif you have a
socketset, a set ofopen-endor closed-endwrenches
or a set of ratchet wrenches.
The Four Stages of the Assembly Process
Frame Assembly
You willbegin by assembhngthe base and the
uprightframes that serve as the skeletonof the
Cable Assembly
This assembly COmpletesthe cables and pulleys
that connectthe movingarms with each other and
with the weights.
Arm Assembly
This assembly completesthe press and butterfly
arms that you operate while you are exercising.
Seat Assembly
This assembly completesthe seat and backrest
that supped your bodywhileyou are exercising.