43. Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda 3 1/2" Pulley
(24) in the direction shown. Attach the Pulleyand a
Cable Trap (25) to the indicatedholeon the far side
ofthe Leg Press Lever (83) with a 3/8" x 4 3/4" Bolt
(60) and a 3/8" NylonJamnut (63). Note: Thread the
Jamnut only two tums onto the Bolt; you will later
attach another Pulley to the Bolt. Make sure the
Cable Trap is oriented as shown.
44. Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda "V-Pulley (27)
in the directionshown.Attach the "V-Pulley anda
Large Cable Trap (32) underneath the Press Seat
Frame (7) with a 3/8" x 4 1/4" Bolt (85), a 3/8" Flat
Washer (48), and a 3/8" Nylon Locknut(50). Note:
the Press Seat Frame has five adjustment holes.
Mount the "V"-Pulley in the hole closest to the
Leg Press Lever. Make sure the Cable Trap is ori-
ented as shown.
45. Wrap the Press Cable (72) around a 3 1/2"Pulley
(24) in the directionshown.Attach the Pulleyand a
Cable Trap (25) to the near side of the Leg Press
Lever (83). Use the 3/8" x 4 3/4" Bolt(60) that was
inserted in step 43 and secure the Pulleywith the
3/8" Nylon Jamnut (63). Make sure the Cable Trap
is oriented as shown.
46. Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda 3 1/2" Pulley
(24) in the directionshown. Attachthe Pulleyand a
Cable Trap (25) to near side of the Press Upright(2).
Use the 3/8" x 4 3/4" Bolt(60) thatwas inserted in
step 42 and secure the Pulley withthe 3/8" Nylon
Jamnut (63). Make sure the Cable Trap is oriented
as shown.
Wrap the Press Cable (72) arounda 3 1/2" Pulley
(24) in the direction shown.Attach the Pulleyand a
Cable Trap (25) to the 3/8" x 4" Carriage Bolt(102)
that was inserted intothe Press Base (6) earlier.
Secure the Pulleywith the 3/8" Nylon Locknut(50).
Make sure the Cable Trap is oriented as shown.
46 " ' 50 242