Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
1 Boilerisolation(balancing)valves
2 Flow/check valve
3 Systemorzonecirculator
4 Systemtemperaturegauges
5 Zonevalve
6 Drainvalve
7 Systemtemperaturevalves(seeinstruc-
tions to the left for adjusting valves)
8 Blendtemperaturegauge
9 Relief valve
connect to tank fitting (closed-type expansion tank). DO NOT
use an automatic air vent when using closed-type expansion
tank. It would allow air to leave the system, causing waterlog-
ging of the expansion tank.
11 Fill valve
closed-type expansion tank, pipe from top of air separator to
tank fitting as in Figure 5, page 15.)
fill valve must always be connected to the expansion tank,
regardless of location of expansion tank, circulator or air
Figure 8 Primary/secondary piping
Zoning with circulators
Figure 9 Primary/secondary piping
Zoning with zone valves
3d Piping — low temp systems (continued)