Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Service & maint. — annual start-up10b
❏ Review with owner
1. Review the User’s Information Manual with the
2. Emphasizetheneedtoperformthemaintenance
schedule specified in the
User’s Information
(and in this manual as well).
3. Remind the owner of the need to call in a licensed
contractor should the boiler or system exhibit any
unusual behavior.
4. Remind the owner to follow the proper shutdown
procedure and to schedule an annual start-up at the
beginning of the next heating season.
❏ Cleaning boiler
heating surfaces
The boiler contains ceramic fiber
and fiberglass materials. Use care
when handling these materials per
instructions on page 64 of this
manual. Failure to comply could
result in severe personal injury.
1. Shutdownboiler:
• Follow“
To Turn Off Gas to Appliance”
instructions on boiler and Operating instruc-
• Donotdrainboilerunlessitwillbeexposed
to freezing temperatures. If using antifreeze in
system, do not drain.
2. Follow shutdown procedure.
3. Remove venting system connection to boiler.
4. Remove top jacket panel. Turn back insulation.
5. Removecollectorbox/transitionassembly.Clean
sealant from assembly and sections.
6. Remove radiation plates hanging between sec-
7. Removeburnersfrombase.Brushandvacuum
burner ports are free of debris.
8. Place newspapers in base of boiler to collect soot.
9. Cleanbetweensectionswithwireuebrush.
and surrounding area.
11. Reinstall radiation plates.
sealant. Obtain gas-tight seal to prevent flue gas
spillage and carbon monoxide emissions, resulting
in severe personal injury or death.
13. Replace insulation and jacket top panel.
7 of this manual
and the boiler Operating instructions(Section9c
proper gas combustion. If found, check for proper
combustion and make any necessary adjustments.