Parameter Option Description
Protected colors CMYK
Note: If you protect RGB, gray, or CMYK colors, all colors
in the job that include the same color combination as the
protected color, will also be protected.
Provides the following options:
Preserve pure CMY colors—Preserves pure cyan,
magenta, and yellow during transformation.
Preserve black color—Preserves pure black during
Use protected CMYK values—Retains CMYK colors
as defined in the Spot Color Editor.
Use protected RGB values—Retains RGB colors as
defined in the Spot Color Editor .
Device Gray Use protected gray values—Retains gray colors as
defined in the Spot Color Editor .
Calibration Linked Uses the calibration table that was created for the media
type and screening method selected for your job
Normal This table is used if a calibration table has not been created
for the media type and screening method that you are
using. You cannot edit this calibration table.
None Does not apply a calibration table when jobs are processed
and printed.
Color tab in the job parameters window 105