device-independent color space
A color space based on human perception of color, measured
using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer. The color space is
independent of the color capabilities of any specific device. An
example is CIELAB. A device-independent color space may be
used as an intermediate color space when converting from one
color space to another, for example, from CMYK to RGB.
device link profile
A one-way link or connection between two color imaging devices.
Such a one-way link can be between devices such as a scanner
and a printer, a scanner and a color monitor, or two printers. Using
device link profiles helps shorten the conversion path in certain
applications and saves computing time.
device profile
A type of ICC profile that represents the relationship between
colorant tint values of a device and the resulting color. It has two
sets of color mapping tables: one set maps device colorant tint
values to the profile color space while the other set maps the
profile color space to device colorant tint values.
dot area
The percentage of an area covered by halftone dots, ranging from
no dots at 0 percent to a solid ink density at 100 percent. The size
of a single dot is stated in a percentage of the area it occupies.
dot gain
A printing effect which results in dots being printed larger than they
should be. It occurs as a result of ink spreading on the printed
page, and if not compensated for, can lead to an image appearing
too dark.
Any item within a job—including an input file, page, page set,
signature, surface, or separation.
146 Chapter 15—Glossary