The amount of light reflected from a surface, regardless of the hue
or saturation of color. In print reproduction, the reflectance of the
paper affects brightness.
To store data after it has been accessed so that future access will
be faster.
calibration curve
A curve that represents the percentage at which the software
adjusts an original tint during screening to produce the target
click charge
A fee that vendors charge for each printed or copied page. Click
charges are part of the maintenance agreement between the
vendor and the customer.
A color representation scheme (or color space) in which cyan,
magenta, yellow, and black are combined to create full-color
A pigment, dye, phosphor, or other such substance that produces
a color. Colorants are like building blocks of colors—for example,
green is composed of cyan and yellow, so cyan and yellow can be
considered colorants that make up the color green.
color cast
The predominance of a particular color that affects the whole
image in the original, proof, or reproduction. A color cast is due to
an excess of a color pigment or light. It is most obvious in gray and
near-gray areas.
color channel
A single color, such as red, green, or blue.
142 Chapter 15—Glossary