
WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435
System Administrator Guide
Note: If you wish to “Lock” individual device pathways, you may choose to lock any combination of All
Services, Job Status Pathway, or Machine Status Pathway. After you have made your selection, or
selections, press the Apply button for your selections to be saved.
Use this option to Lock individual Services as well as configure your desired combination of services.
Note: When the Common Access Card is enabled, the full Copy Service feature is locked by default.
Configure CAC Settings at the Printer
Note: Be sure that the Common Access Card Reading device has been installed prior to the following
procedure steps.
1. Press the Log In/Out button on the control panel.
2. Enter the System Administrator’s Login ID and Passcode if prompted (default admin, 1111), and
press Enter.
3. Select the Authentication/Security Settings button, followed by the Authentication button.
4. Select the User Details Setup button, and set the Use of Smartcard option to Enabled.
Note: If you set this value to Enable PKI Only, the smartcard is used only for signing and/or encrypting
the scan document, not for authentication.
5. Set the SmartCard Link Mode to No Passcode required.
6. Set the SmartCard Certificate Verification Mode to Disabled.
Note: By setting the option to Disabled, you are only verifying the PIN on the card. By selecting the
option for Enabled, you are verifying both the PIN and the Certificate.
Setting up Certificates for Authentication
The following procedure is performed using the CentreWare Internet Services. Access the Printer by
typing in the device’s’ IP address in your Web browser’s address field.
Note: Certificates can only be registered on the device when SSL is enabled on the device. This can be
accomplished by first creating a self-signed certificate on the device and then enabling SSL. This
procedure must be performed by someone with System Administrator rights.
1. At your computer, Login to the CentreWare Internet Services as the System Administrator.
2. Select the Properties tab, and select the Security folder and navigate down until you locate the
Machine Digital Certificate Management option.
3. Select the Create New Self Signed Certificate option.
4. Select Apply.
5. Next, while still under the Security folder, scroll down the list and locate the option for SSL / TLS
6. The following window will be displayed. Under the HTTP – SSL / TSL Communication check box,
make the selection for Enabled, and then select Apply.
7. The Printer will need to be rebooted before the changes can take effect. Select the Reboot
Machine option.