Scanning and Faxing
WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435
System Administrator Guide
Enabling Options with Software Keys
Options such as Scanning (E-Mail, Folder, Network, Twain), Security (Disk Overwrite, Secure
Watermark), Internet Fax (iFAX), Server Fax, and Job Based Accounting, require purchase and
subsequent enabling with a supplied 12 character key. Software keys are usually included with the kit
documentation as a sticker on the manual, or they may be already installed on the printer as per the
purchase agreement.
Upon receipt of the software key, use the following procedure to enable the associated Option.
1. Press the Log In/Out button on the control panel.
2. Enter the System Administrator’s Login ID and Passcode if prompted (default admin, 1111), and
press Enter.
3. Press the Machine Status button.
4. Touch the Tools tab.
5. Touch System Settings.
6. Touch Common Service Settings.
7. Touch Maintenance. Note that you may have to use the scrolling arrow to see this selection.
8. Touch Software Options and touch Keyboard. Enter the key, using the on-screen keyboard, in the
box provided.
9. Touch Save, then touch Reboot.