
Enable Scan to Mailbox
1. At your workstation, open your Web browser and enter the IP address of the machine in the Address
or Location field. Press [Enter].
2. Click the [Properties] tab.
3. Provide the Administrator User Name (default of admin) and Password (default of 1111), if prompted.
4. Select the symbol to the left of [Services].
5. Select the symbol to the left of [Scan to Mailbox].
6. If necessary, select [Enablement].
7. Place a checkmark in the box labeled [Enable Scan to Mailbox].
8. Place a checkmark in the box labeled [On Scan tab, view Mailboxes by default].
9. Click [Apply].
Configure Scan to Mailbox
Select [Capacity] to view the amount of hard drive space being consumed by files in Mailboxes.
Select [Files] to perform either an immediate or scheduled cleanup of folder files. Dialog controls are self
explanatory. Click [Apply], however, to apply any setting changes.
Select [Folders] to perform operations on created folders. Dialog controls are self explanatory. Click
[Apply], however, to apply any changes.
Select [Scan Policies] and place checkmarks within the displayed boxes to set permissions for Scan to
Mailbox capabilities. Click [Apply] to apply any changes.
When finished working with the dialogs, make sure to Log Out as Administrator in the upper right corner of
the Internet Services web page.
Note: To see individual Mailboxes, click the Scan tab of Internet Services. To scan to these mailboxes,
refer to the directions in the Interactive User Guide.