
Usage Limits
20. Specify the usage limits for this account in the [User Limits] boxes. The maximum value for each limit
is 16,000,000. Usage limits can be specified as follows:
Black Printed Impressions
The maximum number of documents that can be printed by a user, from their workstation via the printer
Black Copied Impressions
The maximum number of copies that can be produced by a user via the Copy feature on the device.
Network Images Sent
The maximum number of documents that can be sent over the network by the user. This applies to the
following features: Network Scanning, E-mail, Server Fax and/or Internet Fax (when these features are
installed on the machine).
Note that if the machine is set to print scan confirmation reports or Internet Fax acknowledgement reports,
these documents are counted towards the user's limit.
Fax Images Sent
If Embedded Fax is installed on your machine, you will see this option in Internet Services.
Fax Images Sent sets the maximum number of documents that can be faxed by a user with the Fax feature
(Embedded Fax).
The machine calculates the number of faxed documents by multiplying the number of images faxed (this
includes cover sheets), by the number of destinations.
Embedded Fax Receive
If Embedded Fax is installed on your machine, you will see this option. This sets the maximum number of
documents that a user can produce from the following features on the machine:
- Print Mailbox
- Poll Remote Mailbox
- Print Poll Store
- Poll Remote Fax
For further information about these features, refer to the Training and Information CD2, delivered with your
21. Click the [Apply] button when you have finished setting the usage limits.
Maximum Usage Limits
The first time a user logs in to the device after they have reached their maximum usage limit, a message
displays on the user interface. The message notifies the user that they have reached their limit for the
feature. Users will not be able to use the feature until their limit is reset. If the user performs a copy, scan or
fax job at the machine, and mid way through the job their limit is exceeded, the job will continue. The
machine will track the number of sheets that were printed over the limit and subtract them from the user's
new allocation, when it is updated by the administrator.
If the user's limit is reached before a print job is completed, an error report will print at the machine to notify
the user that their limit has been reached. The job will be deleted from the print queue. The job may run
over due to sheets committed to the paper path.
The system administrator has unlimited access to the machine.
User limits can be reset on the Internet Services Report and Reset screen.