9. Click [Apply] to accept the changes or [Undo] to return the settings to their previous values.
NOTE: The settings are not applied until you reboot the machine.
10. Click the [Status] tab.
11. Click the [Reboot Machine] button to reboot the machine. The network controller takes approximately 5
minutes to reboot and network connectivity will be unavailable during this time.
12. A Configuration Report should have printed by default when the machine rebooted. Look at the report
to verify AppleTalk settings.
13. If the Configuration Report did not print, press the [Machine Status] button.
14. Touch [Print Reports].
15. Touch [Configuration Report].
16. Touch [Print Selected Report].
17. Touch [Close].
Install the Print Driver
Refer to the Print and Fax Drivers Guide for Macintosh on the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers CD for
detailed instructions.
18. View the Configuration Report and note the Name given to the machine under AppleTalk Settings.
At the Macintosh Workstation
19. Load the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers CD-ROM into your CD drive.
20. Open the CD and locate the [Drivers] folder.
21. Locate and open the [Mac] folder.
Instructions for 9.x
1. Double-click the installer file to install the printer driver on your Macintosh.
2. Click [Continue].
3. Click [Agree] to accept the License Agreement.
4. Click [Install].
5. Your Mac may need to be re-started. Click [Yes] to continue.
6. The driver will install. Select [Restart].
7. Once the Mac has restarted, select [Apple], then [Chooser].