
7-20 Administering the EX7750
Right-clicking FieryBar allows you to access many EX7750 features. You can choose
the following commands from the menu that appears:
Starts Command WorkStation. For information about
using the features of Command WorkStation, see the Job
Management Guide.
ColorWise Pro Tools
Starts ColorWise Pro Tools.
Setup Fiery
Enters the Setup menus for the EX7750. See Chapter 4.
Restart Fiery
Restarts the EX7750 system software without rebooting
the entire system. Network access to the EX7750 is
temporarily interrupted and all currently processing jobs
are aborted and might be lost. Choose Restart Fiery
instead of using the power or reset buttons on the front of
the EX7750.
Clear Server
Clears all jobs in all server queues and all jobs archived on
the EX7750 hard disk. Check with the site administrator
before choosing Clear Server.
Cancel Processing
Cancels the job currently processing on the EX7750.
Cancel Print
Cancels the job currently printing on the EX7750.
Suspend Print
Suspends communication between the EX7750 and the
printer. To continue printing jobs from the EX7750,
choose Resume Print.
Resume Print
Resumes communication between the EX7750 and the
printer after you have chosen Suspend Print.
Run Diagnostics
This function is provided for service representatives only.
For information about running diagnostics, contact your
authorized service/support technician.
Log Off Windows
Allows you to log on to Windows XP as a different user.
Hide FieryBar
Hides FieryBar. To show FieryBar after hiding it,
right-click the Fiery icon on the right side of the
Windows taskbar and choose Show FieryBar from the
menu that appears.