90 Chapter 8—Stereo Output
01V—Owner’s Manual
Setting the Stereo Output Level
The stereo output level is controlled using the STEREO fader. Since
this fader is also used to control the aux and effects send master levels,
you may need to press the [HOME] button before adjusting the stereo
output level. See “Faders (plus Return Rotary Controls)” on page 35
for more information.
Muting the Stereo Output
The stereo output can be muted using the STEREO [ON] button. This but-
ton lights up when stereo output is on. Since this button is also used to
mute the aux and effects send master outputs, you may need to press the
[HOME] button before turning the stereo output on or off. See “ON But-
tons” on page 34 for more information.
Balancing the Stereo Output
The left and right channels of the stereo output signal can be balanced as follows.
1. Press the [HOME] button, and then the STEREO [SEL] button.
ST appears on the display, indicating that the stereo output is selected.
2. Use the PAN control to adjust the balance.
The balance can also be adjusted on the VIEW page. See “Viewing Stereo Output Set-
tings” on page 89 for more information.
Applying EQ to the Stereo Output
The stereo output features four-band parametric EQ. See “EQ” on page 61 for more
information. The EQ can be turned on or off, and the EQ curve viewed on the VIEW
page. See “Viewing Stereo Output Settings” on page 89 for more information.
Stereo Output Dynamics Processors
The stereo output features a stereo dynamics processor. See “Dynamics Processors” on
page 161 for more information. The dynamics can be turned on or off, and the dynam-
ics curve viewed on the VIEW page. See “Viewing Stereo Output Settings” on page 89
for more information.
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