MIDI Data Format 285
01V—Owner’s Manual
PARAMETER CHANGE(type 0x05:remote meter)
When the following request is received to enable transmission, the
specified parameter data will be transmitted at 30 msec intervals for
five seconds. If you want meter data to be transmitted continuously,
you must continue transmitting requests less than five seconds apart.
When [Parameter Change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
Device Channel that is included in the SUB STATUS, this message is
When [LOCAL OFF] is ON, the incoming meter data will be dis-
played. In other cases it will be ignored.
When transmission is enabled by a request, this will be transmitted
every 30msec on the [Rx CH] channel, for five seconds.
Transmission will be disabled when the power is turned on, and when
PORT settings have been modified.
In the Meter no., bit 6 is the special bit, and bit 5 is the gr bit.
When the Gr bit is on, the single byte gr will be added uniformly to
the end of the data string.
When the Special bit is on, the two bytes stLED L/R will be added uni-
formly to the end of the data string.
When both are on, gr comes first, and stLED L/R come later.
This message is used to obtain meter data from the 01V. It is used in
LOCAL OFF MODE to display the meter of the remote device, or to
display the meter on the screen of a personal computer, etc.
In order to obtain meter data, the meter whose data is required must
be displayed in the LCD of the remote device. This means that before
transmitting this request, you must first transmit the
above-described " PARAMETER CHANGE (type 0x03:bit
operation for controller(LCD-Fader mode))" to display the appro-
priate meter in the LCD screen of the remote device.
When [Parameter Change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
Device Channel included in SUB STATUS, this message will be
When this message is received, Parameter Change (remote meter)
messages will begin to be transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel.
When [LOCAL OFF] is ON, transmit a meter data request for the
currently displayed meter on the [Tx CH]. For each request, meter
data will be transmitted for five seconds. If you want meter data con-
tinuously for longer than this, you will need to transmit requests at
intervals of five seconds or less. When the 01V is in LOCAL OFF
MODE, transmit requests at approximately one-second intervals.
When [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON and the 01V itself did not
receive this message, the message will be echoed.
Table of signal levels and codes
MESSAGE (Bulk Dump) &
These messages input and output the contents of various types of
internal memory.
The unique header identifies whether or not the data is for the 01V.
The CHECK SUM is calculated by adding the data following the
BYTE COUNT(LOW) until the data preceding the CHECK SUM,
then inverting the bits (2's complement), and setting bit 7 to 0.
CHECK SUM = ( -sum) & 0x7F
This is received if [Bulk RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the
Device Channel that is included in SUB STATUS.
When a BULK DUMP is received, it will immediately be written into
the specified memory.
When a BULK DUMP REQUEST is received, a bulk dump will be
transmitted immediately.
In the [MIDI-BULK] page, this is transmitted on the [Tx CH] chan-
nel by key operations.
In response to a Bulk Dump Request, a Bulk Dump Message is trans-
mitted on the [Rx CH] channel.
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15(Tx/Rx Channel No.1-16)
GROUOP ID 00111110 3e MODEL ID
MODEL ID 00000100 04 Device code (01V)
PARAM TYPE 00000101 05 remote meter
DATA 0sgttttt tt meter no.(s:special bit, g:gr bit)
0mmmmmmm mm0
0mmmmmmm mm1
: :
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n n=0-15(Tx/Rx Channel No.1-16)
GROUOP ID 00111110 3e MODEL ID
MODEL ID 00000100 04 Device code (01V)
PARAM TYPE 00000101 05 remote meter
DATA 0sgttttt tt meter no.(s:special bit, g:gr bit)
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
Level code Level code Level code
-72dB 0x1F -30dB 0x57 -9dB 0x72
-68dB 0x24 -27dB 0x5A -8dB 0x73
-64dB 0x29 -24dB 0x5F -7dB 0x75
-60dB 0x2F -21dB 0x62 -6dB 0x77
-56dB 0x33 -18dB 0x67 -5dB 0x78
-51dB 0x3A -16dB 0x69 -4dB 0x79
-48dB 0x3F -15dB 0x6A -3dB 0x7A
-46dB 0x41 -14dB 0x6B -2dB 0x7B
-42dB 0x47 -13dB 0x6D -1dB 0x7D
-39dB 0x4A -12dB 0x6F 0dB 0x7E
-36dB 0x4F -11dB 0x70 CLIP 0x7F
-33dB 0x52 -10dB 0x71
data name rx/tx function
'M' rx/tx Scene Memory & Request
'S' rx/tx Setup Memory & Request
'I' rx/tx Remote(Internal Parameter) Memory & Request
'L' rx/tx Remote(MMC) Memory & Request
'U' rx/tx Remote(User Define) Memory & Request
'C' rx/tx Control Change Assign Table & Request
'P' rx/tx Program Change Assign Table & Request
'Q' rx/tx Equalizer Library & Request
'Y' rx/tx Dynamics Library & Request
'E' rx/tx Effect Library & Request