180 Chapter 13—Dynamics Processors
01V—Owner’s Manual
25 Strings3 COMP
Threshold (dB) –17
A variation on program 23,
intended for string instruments
with a very low range, such as
cellos or contrabass.
Ratio ( :1) 1.5
Attack (ms) 76
Out gain (dB) 2.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 186
26 BrassSection COMP
Threshold (dB) –18
Compressor program intended
for brass sounds with a fast and
strong attack.
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 18
Out gain (dB) 4.0
Knee 1
Release (ms) 226
27 Syn.Pad COMP
Threshold (dB) –13
Compressor program for synth
pad, intended to prevent diffu-
sion of the sound.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 58
Out gain (dB) 2.0
Knee 1
Release (ms) 238
28 SamplingPerc COMPAND-S
Threshold (dB) –18
Compressor program for sam-
pled sounds, making them as
powerful as real acoustic drums.
This program is for percussion
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 8
Out gain (dB) –2.5
Width (dB) 18
Release (ms) 238
29 Sampling BD COMP
Threshold (dB) –14
A variation on program 28,
intended for sampled bass drum
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 2
Out gain (dB) 3.5
Knee 4
Release (ms) 35
30 Sampling SN COMP
Threshold (dB) –18
A variation on program 28,
intended for sampled snare drum
Ratio ( :1) 4
Attack (ms) 8
Out gain (dB) 8.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 354
31 Hip Comp COMPAND-S
Threshold (dB) –23
A variation on program 28,
intended for sampled sound
Ratio ( :1) 20
Attack (ms) 15
Out gain (dB) 0.0
Width (dB) 15
Release (ms) 163
32 Solo Vocal1 COMP
Threshold (dB) –20
Compressor program suited for
use with solo vocals.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 31
Out gain (dB) 2.0
Knee 1
Release (ms) 342
# Title Type Parameter Value Description