Auto Scene Memory Update 139
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Scene Memories #0 & #U
Scene memory #0 is a special read-only memory that contains the initial settings of all mix
parameters. It can be recalled, but not stored. When you want to reset all mix parameters to
their initial, or default values, recall Scene memory #0. Input Channel faders are set to either
–∞dB or nominal, depending on the Initial Data Nominal preference (see page 198).
Scene memory #U is a special read-only memory that allows you to undo and redo Scene
memory recall and store operations. After recalling a Scene memory, you can revert to the
previously recalled Scene memory by recalling Scene memory #U. After storing a Scene
memory, you can revert it to its previous contents by recalling Scene memory #U. You can
redo either of these undo operations by recalling Scene memory #U again.
Auto Scene Memory Update
Normally, when a Scene is recalled and then edited, that Scene must be stored again in order
to save the edits. If the Scene MEM Auto Update preference on page 198 is on, however,
those edits are stored automatically in a Shadow memory. There’s one Shadow memory for
each Original Scene memory. The contents of the Original and Shadow memories can be
recalled alternately, which is useful for doing A/B comparisons.
When a Scene is recalled, the current mix settings are automatically stored in the Shadow
memory of the Scene memory that was recalled last. When you return to that Scene, you
can recall the Shadow or Original memory alternately.
While the Scene MEM Auto Update preference is on, Shadow memories, not Original
memories are recalled initially. To recall an Original memory, recall its Shadow memory
first, and while the Edit indicators are both off, recall again. This time the Original memory
is recalled.
When recalling Original and Shadow memories, you can easily tell which is currently active
by the Edit indicators, which are off when an Original memory is active, and on when a
Shadow memory is active. Note that when a Scene is stored, the contents of the Original and
Shadow memories will be the same and the Edit indicators will be off regardless of which
memory is active.
When recalling Scenes in an Automix, only the Original memories can be recalled. When
recalling Scenes via MIDI Program Change messages, Original and Shadow memories can
be recalled, and operation is the same as for recalling Scenes by using the 02R96’s SCENE
MEMORY buttons or the Scene Memory page.