158 Chapter 16—Automix
02R96—Owner’s Manual
Editing Events Offline
Automix events can be edited offline on the Event Copy and Event Edit pages. Offline edit-
ing can be performed only while the Automix function is stopped.
Event Copy Page
On the Event Copy page, specified events on specified channels between specified in and
out points can be erased, copied, moved/merged, or trimmed.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [AUTOMIX] button to locate the Event Copy page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
Channel buttons: These buttons are used to specify the Input and Output Channels
whose Automix data you want to erase, copy, move/merge, or trim. In other words, the
source data. A channel is specified when its button appears highlighted. Multiple channels
can be specified. Channel buttons can be selected by using the Parameter wheel or the cur-
sor buttons. You can specify all channels by double-clicking any channel button. A confir-
mation message appears and you can select one or all channels. It’s not necessary to select
source channels when editing library or Scene recall events or effects or Plug-Ins events.
SOURCE: These parameters are used to select the source Automix for copying and mov-
ing/merging. You can select CURRENT, i.e., the current Automix, or MEM and any Auto-
mix from 1 to 16. When MEM is selected, the MOVE button changes to MERGE. The Erase
and Trim functions work only with the current Automix and ignore these settings.
TIME SETTING: The IN and OUT parameters are used to specify the region of Automix
data to be erased, copied, moved/merged, or trimmed. The IN and OUT points can be set
on-the-fly by pressing the [ENTER] button while the IN or OUT button is selected. The
captured timecode values can be edited by using the Parameter wheel or the INC/DEC but-
tons. Press the [ENTER] button to reset the currently selected digits to “00.” Up to eight IN
and OUT timecode values can be captured and stored in the eight Capture memories. Use
the cursor buttons to select the Capture memory number, and use the Parameter wheel or
the INC/DEC buttons to select the Capture memories.
The TO parameter is used to specify the point to which the specified data will be copied or
moved/merged. The TO point can be set on-the-fly by pressing the [ENTER] button while
the TO button is selected. The captured timecode value can be edited by using the Param-
eter wheel or the INC/DEC buttons. Press the [ENTER] button to reset the currently
selected digits to “00.”
The DESTINATION parameter is used to specify the channel to which the specified data
will be copied or moved/merged. The number of destination channels depends on the
number of source channels specified. For example, if Input Channels 1 though 8 are speci-
fied as the source, then the number of destination channels will be eight. Destination chan-
nels are contiguous and only the first channel in the range can be specified.