138 Chapter 12—Timecode
D24—Owner’s Manual
Chasing External Timecode
The Timecode Chase function is used to synchronize D24s in a multiple-unit system,
or to synchronize a single D24 to an external timecode source. The D24 can chase
SMPTE/EBU timecode received via the TIMECODE INPUT or MTC received via the
MIDI IN. When the Chase function is turned on, the D24 automatically chases and
synchronizes to the selected external timecode source.
1 Set the timecode source to either TIMECODE IN, MIDI IN, or TC IN+VIDEO.
See “Selecting a Timecode Source” on page 135 for more information.
When TC IN+VIDEO is selected, first the D24 chases and synchronizes to the external
timecode, and once chase lock has been achieved, it synchronizes to the incoming video
sync signal.
2 Press the [SETUP] button.
The SETUP indicator lights up.
3 Use the JOG/DATA dial to select “CHASE MODE,” and then press the [ENTER]
The currently set Chase Mode appears on the display.
4 Use the JOG/DATA dial to select a Chase mode.
5 Press the [ENTER] button to activate your selection, or the [CANCEL] button
to cancel the Chase mode function.
6 Press the [SETUP] button again to leave setup.
The SETUP indicator goes out.
7 Press the [CHASE] button.
The CHASE indicator lights up, as shown here.
The D24 will now chase and synchronize to the selected external timecode source.
When the incoming timecode reaches normal playback speed, the D24 automatically
starts playback, and when the incoming timecode stops, the D24 stops.
8 Press the [CHASE] button again to turn off the Chase function.
The CHASE indicator goes out.
Playback can also be stopped by pressing the [CHASE] button.
See “Multiple D24s” on page 144 for details about using multiple D24s, and see “Con-
necting a Video Editor” on page 151 for details about using the SERIAL I/O port.
Mode Description
Continuously check the timecode and chase and synchronize as neces-
Chase and synchronize to the external timecode and run freely once
chase lock has been achieved.
Chase and synchronize to the external timecode and run freely once
chase lock has been achieved, but relock if the timecode deviates by
more than 1 second.
Chase and synchronize to the external timecode but run freely once
chase lock has been achieved, but relock if the timecode deviates by
more than 2 seconds.