Conserving Disk Space 35
D24—Owner’s Manual
Conserving Disk Space
Like all digital audio recorders, the D24 uses up disk space regardless of what’s being
recorded, so recorded silence uses as much disk space as recorded music. A two minute
section of continuous music, for example, will use the same amount of disk space as a
two minute section of silence. Obviously, it’s wasteful to leave the D24 recording silence
longer than necessary.
Disk space can be conserved by recording only when there’s something that actually
needs recording. When recording material with long silent sections, for example, you
could save disk space by punching out of recording during those sections.
The disk space occupied by the recorded silences can be retrieved for additional record-
ing by first deleting the silent sections, using the Part Erase function, see “Erasing Parts”
on page 104, and then optimizing the disk, using the Optimize function, which deletes
unused sound files from disk, thereby freeing up space for additional recording, see
“Recovering Disk Space” on page 172.
Undoing a Recording or Edit
The Undo function can be used to undo the last recording or edit. After recording or
performing an edit, the UNDO/REDO indicator lights up, indicating that the Undo
function can be used.
1 Press the [UNDO/REDO] button.
The last recording or edit is undone and the UNDO/REDO indicator goes out. When
the last recording is undone, the previous recording (i.e., the recording that was over-
written), if any, is restored.
2 Press the [UNDO/REDO] button again to redo the last recording or edit.
The UNDO/REDO indicator lights up.
As well as undoing unneeded recordings or edits, the Undo function provides a conve-
nient way to compare the previous and last recording, or edit.