146 Chapter 13—Multiple D24s & Video Sync
D24—Owner’s Manual
Slave D24 Setup
1 Set the timecode source on each slave to REMOTE IN.
See “Selecting a Timecode Source” on page 135 for more information.
When the timecode source is set to REMOTE IN, the wordclock source is also set to
REMOTE IN (the EXT indicator in the WC window lights up) and the D24 is automat-
ically configured as a wordclock slave. When the timecode source is set to a different
source, the wordclock source reverts to its previous setting.
2 Assign each slave D24 an exclusive Remote ID.
See “Setting the Remote ID” on page 171 for more information.
3 Set the timecode frame rate on each slave to match that of the master D24.
See “Setting the Timecode Frame Rate” on page 136 for more information.
4 Turn on the Chase function on each slave.
See “Chasing External Timecode” on page 138 for more information on the Chase
Slave & Master Operation
• Transport functions initiated on the master D24 are echoed by each slave. When play-
back is initiated on the master D24, for example, the slave D24s also start playback and
chase and synchronize to the master’s timecode.
• While the Chase function is on, the slave’s transport functions are not available. To play
an individual slave, turn off its Chase function.
• Tracks are selected for recording using the [RECORD READY] buttons on each D24.
• Recording and rehearsal should be initiated on the master D24.
• When recording is initiated on the master D24, the slave D24s also start recording, so
make sure that only tracks you actually want to record are selected.
• Functions that are not echoed by the slaves must be set individually on each D24.
• When an optional remote controller is used, it should be connected to the REMOTE
IN/SYNC IN port on the master D24.
Functions initiated on the master D24 that are echoed by the slave D24s include:
Transport functions—Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play, Record, and Rehearsal.
Locate functions—Return to Zero and set and locate of the LAST REC IN, LAST REC
OUT, A and B points.
Other functions—Repeat, Roll Back, Varispeed, Project Search, and Auto Punch.
Functions initiated on the master D24 that are NOT echoed by the slave D24s include:
Project Select, Locate Memory Store, Locate Memory Recall, Locate, Capture, Nudge,
Shuttle, Virtual Track, Solo, Peak Hold, Record Ready, Auto Input, All Input, Format,
Chase on/off, Remain, ABS/REL, Undo/Redo, edit functions, utility functions, and
setup functions. These functions must be set on each slave D24 individually before
turning on the Chase function.