Chapter 5 Scratch Pad Clinic
29 Stop the turntable
You’ve heard the effect — where the whole track drops in pitch and slows down to a grinding halt!
Guess what — you can do the same thing on the DJX-IIB, and have fingertip control over it, too!
Select Scratch 72. This assigns the Scratch Pad to control both pitch and bpm simultaneously.
Spin the pad counter-clockwise — and hear the pitch go down and the bpm slow down. Naturally,
the bpm value is shown in the display as well. Turning the pad continuously until the display shows
“- - - -” brings everything to a grinding halt — just like turning off the power on a turntable!
Press the LOOP button, and the “turntable” starts up again! The Pattern starts at low pitch and
bpm, and quickly works its way back up to speed. An awesome effect that cranks up the excite-
ment factor a couple more notches!
In a variation on this, try spinning the pad clockwise slowly a few turns to bring the pitch and speed
up, then press LOOP. This gives you a more gradual build-up.
30 Give the Scratch Pad a new face!
Sure, this tip doesn’t change the sound — but you CAN give the Scratch Pad a new look by swap-
ping discs!
If you’ve got a CD or CD-ROM disc with a design you like, you can easily attach it to the Scratch Pad
platter. For instructions on how to do this, see “Changing the Scratch Pad CD” on page 10.
31 CD-ROM goodies
The CD-ROM on the Scratch Pad actually contains a wealth of interesting and useful stuff for your
DJX-IIB! It’s compatible with both Windows 95/98 and Macintosh, and features the toys and tools
listed below.
• Live Movie at DJX Satellite
• DJX-II/IIB Function Guide — a fun way to get to know the DJX-IIB and its features!
• Pattern Launcher Application — for loading new Patterns to the DJX-IIB!
• Extra Patterns — a selection of specially programmed new Patterns you can load to your