Chapter 18 DJ Performance Master Class
91 Creative Fill-in 3
Here’s a cool technique for stopping the Pattern and coming back in with the rhythm. Select P42
and start with V A1. Then, hit PATTERN STOP and the Variation as shown.
92 Crossfader cut-in — Scratch plus
This requires a bit of tricky finger work... But it’s an effective to add some atmospheric fill-ins to
your tracks!
Here’s the basic idea: Alternate between the Pattern and your scratching (with the Crossfader), and
apply the effect to only the scratch. The trick is to have your left hand do two things at once! Use
your 4th or 5th finger to flick the Live Effector switch on and off, while your thumb swings the
Crossfader back and forth. Meanwhile, your right hand is busy doing the scratching! Try alternat-
ing bars — four beats of Pattern, then four beats of scratch.
93 Crossfader cut-in — Scratch plus
Try this variation on Tip 92 above. Delay works well as an effect for scratch fill-ins, since it locks
into the bpm and gives you a clue to where the beat is — even when you can’t hear the Pattern!
Keep your scratching simple, and the Delay will guide you back to the “one.”
Once you feel comfortable with this technique, try scratching for two bars instead of one! Also, try
the Echo effect for some off-the-wall scratch effects.
One OneTwo Three Four
Break here...
...and come back in