Chapter 18
DJ Performance
Master Class
Take it up to the next level! Use these advanced tips as a springboard to explore all the
amazing DJ possibilities — and become a true mixing virtuoso!
89 Cut in with a scratch and hit the
next Variation
Here’s some fancy finger work for you! This move will take some practice, but it’s a great way to
break for a beat with a scratch fill-in and go onto another Variation.
On the “four” beat, flick the Crossfader all the way right and play a scratch fill-in. Then — on the
next “one” — simultaneously swing the Crossfader to the left and hit a new Variation button.
90 Auto-adjusting the bpm
Got a favorite beat on CD or vinyl that you want to sync to the DJX-IIB? This powerful function lets
you do just that!
The DJX-IIB “hears” the beat (from a connected external sound source) and automatically locks
into the rhythm by auto-adjusting the bpm of the currently playing Pattern.
To use this, connect a CD player or turntable and mixer (as shown), and play the source music.
Then, press and hold the AUDIO BPM COUNTER button and adjust the SENSE dial until the lamp
flashes. The optimum setting is when the lamp flashes only at each downbeat in the source music.
For best results, try narrowing in on the bpm roughly at first by tapping it out (Tip 55), then using
the auto-adjust function.
Most dance music styles (such as techno or house) that have a prominent kick and bass sound
only on the downbeat are ideal for this function. Keep in mind, however, that some kinds of source
music may not work with this. If that’s the case, use the Tap function (Tip 55) to lock into the bpm.