Drum Kit Voice Edit Mode
Drum Kit Voice Edit Mode Function List
1. Voice Parameters .................................................... 40
1-1. Voice................................................................ 41
1-2. Volume, Pan .................................................... 41
1-3. Tuning .............................................................. 41
1-4. Layer Balance.................................................. 42
1-5. Decay, Cutoff Frequency ................................. 42
1-6. Note Number ................................................... 42
1-7. Channel, Gate Time ........................................ 42
2. Input Common Parameters .................................... 43
2-1. Cross Fade ...................................................... 43
2-2. Reverb Send.................................................... 43
2-3. Alternate Group, Key Assign Mode ................. 43
2-4. Hold Mode ....................................................... 44
2-5. Key Off Enable ................................................ 44
2-6. Function........................................................... 44
2-7. Pad Song ......................................................... 44
2-8. Rim to Pad ....................................................... 45
3. Reverb Parameters ................................................. 45
3-1. Reverb Type, Time ........................................... 45
3-2. Reverb Master Return ..................................... 45
4. Setup ....................................................................... 46
4-1. Program Change, Bank Select ........................ 46
4-2. Volume, Pan .................................................... 46
4-3. Drum Kit Voice Copy ....................................... 46
5. Drum Kit Common Parameters ............................. 47
5-1. Volume ............................................................ 47
5-2. Drum Reverb Send .......................................... 47
5-3. Hi-Hat Sensitivity ............................................. 47
5-4. Song Select ..................................................... 47
5-5. Drum Kit Name ................................................ 47
1. Voice Parameters
Sets the voice for each input source of the pad.
The Input Source is trigger data that is transmitted by the pads or
trigger sensors connected to input jacks 1-10 of the DTXPRESS.
When monaural pads TP60/80, KP60/80, PCY60/80, DT10/20,
etc. are used, one Input Source will be assigned to one input jack.
When stereo pads TP80S, PCY80S, etc. are used, two Input Sources
(pad input and rim switch input or 2 kinds of pad input, etc.) will
be assigned to one input jack.
The Voice Parameter is divided into the following 7 pages.
1-1. Voice ................................................................ 41
1-2. Volume Pan ..................................................... 41
1-3. Tuning .............................................................. 41
1-4. Layer Balance.................................................. 42
1-5. Decay, Cutoff Frequency ................................. 42
1-6. Note Number ................................................... 42
1-7. Channel, Gate Time ........................................ 42
Select the Input Source for Editing
In Voice Parameter edit display, first it is necessary to select the
input source q for editing.
Also, 2 voices/key on events/occurrences (2 voices delivered with
one strike of the pad) can be assigned to one trigger input. This use
is called “2 layer”. When a 2 layer is used, assign the layer number
w that is used.
q IN (Input Source)
Each Input Source is defined as follows.
pad 1 Pad input for Trigger Input Jack 1.
rim 1 Rim switch input for Trigger Input Jack 1.
pad 2 Pad input for Trigger Input Jack 2.
rim 2 Rim switch input for Trigger Input Jack 2.
rim 6 Rim switch input for Trigger Input Jack 6.
pad 7 Pad input for Trigger Input Jack 7.
rim 7 Rim switch input for Trigger Input Jack 7.
open Pad input (when the hi-hat controller is not fully closed)
for Trigger Input Jack 8.
rimOpen Rim switch input (when the hi-hat controller is not fully
closed) for Trigger Input Jack 8.
close Pad input (when the hi-hat controller is fully closed)
for Trigger Input Jack 8.
rimCls Rim switch input (when the hi-hat controller is fully
closed) for Trigger Input Jack 8.
footCl Event when the hi-hat controller is depressed for Trig-
ger Input Jack 8.
splash Splash event for the hi-hat controller for Trigger Input
Jack 8.
KIT IN=pad 1 V=1
=K/019 MapleA20
q w