e Voice Number Voice Name
[Range] 0, 1-127
Selects the assigned voice. Displays the voice number (1-127)
and voice name.
If this parameter is set to “0”, “NoAssign” will appear in the
display and sound will not be produced.
* Refer to the [Drum Voice List] (P. 68).
5-2. Volume, Pan
This function sets the volume w and pan e (the position in the
stereo field) for each drum voice assigned to each MIDI note num-
ber q.
5-4. Layer Balance
When a drum voice assigned to a MIDI note number q is made
up of 2 layers (a single voice consisting of 2 voice waves), this
function sets the volume balance between those 2 layers.
* When the selected voice only has a 1 layer, this setting will have
no affect.
Utility Mode
q N (MIDI Note Number)
Selects the MIDI note number (The same procedure as in [5-1.
w Vol (Volume)
[Range] 0-127
e Pan
[Range] L64 to C to R64.
5-3. Tuning
This function sets the pitch for each drum voice assigned to each
MIDI note number q.
q N (MIDI Note Number)
Selects the MIDI note number (The same procedure as in [5-1.
w TuneC (Tune Coarse)
[Range] –24 to 0 to +24
Tuning can be set in increments of a half step.
e TuneF (Tune Fine)
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63
Tuning can be set in increments of 1.17 cents.
q N (MIDI Note Number)
Selects the MIDI note number (The same procedure as in [5-1.
w LayerBalance (Layer Balance)
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63, ---
Sets the volume balance between the 2 layers.
*When the selected drum voice only has 1 layer, “---” will ap-
pear in the display and settings can not be carried out.
5-5. Decay, Cutoff Frequency
This function sets the drum voice decay, the filter’s cutoff frequency
and adjusts the tone of each voice assigned to each MIDI note
number q.
q N (MIDI Note Number)
Selects the MIDI note number (The same procedure as in [5-1.
w Decay
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63.
Negative values will produce a clearer sound.
e Fc (Cutoff Frequency)
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63
A positive value will produce a brighter sound, negative values
will produce a rounder sound.
5-6. Reverb Send
This sets the Reverb Send Level w for each drum voice assigned
to each MIDI note number q.
* The actual reverb send level will be determined by multiplying
the Reverb Send Level set in [5-2. Drum Reverb Send] (P. 47) in
the Drum Kit Voice Edit Mode.
UT MAP N= 0C -2
Vol= 127 Pan= C
UT MAP N= 0C -2
Tune C= 0 F= 0
UT MAP N= 0C -2
UT MAP N= 0C -2
Decay= 0 Fc= 0
UT MAP N= 0C -2
Reverb send= 127