3-2. Click Tune
This sets the pitch for each of the 3 Click Voices.
3-4. MIDI Control
This enables or disables the DTXPRESS to transmit or receive
system real-time messages (start/continue/stop).
When this function is enabled, you can control an external se-
quencer or rhythm machine from the DTXPRESS. Control of the
DTXPRESS from an external sequencer or rhythm machine is also
Utility Mode
q Click (Click Voice)
Selects the Click Voice. (The same Click Voice selected in func-
tion 3-1.)
w Tune C (Tune Coarse)
[Range] –24 to 0 to +24.
The Click Voice selected in step q will be tuned in increments of
a half-step.
e Tune F (Tune Fine)
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63.
The Click Voice selected in step q will be tuned in increments of
about 1.17 cents.
3-3. Click Note Number
Sets the MIDI Note Number for each of the 3 Click Voices.
q Click (Click Voice)
Selects the Click Voice. (The same Click Voice selected in func-
tion 3-1.)
w Note # (MIDI Note Number)
[Range] off, 1-127 (—, C#-2 to G8)
Sets the MIDI note number. The note number and note name will
be displayed.
If this is set to “off”, the DTXPRESS will produce sound how-
ever; key on messages will not be transmitted.
* Refer to the preset drum kit’s [Drum Voice List] (P. 68) for the
voice assignment of each MIDI note number.
UT SEQ Click= hi
Tune C= 0 F= 0
w e
UT SEQ Click= hi
Note#= 22 (A#-1)
q MIDI Control
on:Transmits and receives the following system real-time mes-
• Transmits timing clock (F8) (transmit only)
• Transmits and receives start, stop, and continue
(FA, FB, FC)
off: Does not transmit or receive system real-time messages.
3-5. Count Switch
This function turns the 2 bar countdown before the song starts
playback, on or off.
q Count Switch
on: After a 2 bar countdown, the song will start playback.
off: No countdown, the song will start playback immediately.
3-6. Sync Mode
This function synchronizes the DTXPRESS sequencer’s clock with
the clock of an external device.
q Sync Mode
int:Movement is determined by the DTXPRESS’ internal clock.
ext:Movement is determined by the clock of an external device
received via the MIDI IN/TO HOST jacks.
auto:If a timing clock (F8) is received via the MIDI IN/TO HOST
jack the external clock will be used If a timing clock (F8) is
not received the internal clock will be used.
Count Switch=off
Sync Mode= auto
MIDI Control=off