
Song Mode [SONG]
DTXTREME III Owner’s Manual
02: Create Measure
This job creates empty measures at the specified location in
the specified track or tracks of the current Song. When
empty measures are inserted, measure and meter data fol-
lowing the insert point are moved backward accordingly.
1 Beat
Determines the time signature of the newly created (inserted)
B Number of measures to be inserted
Determines the number of empty measures to be created and
C Track
Determines the track to which this Job is applied. When
“1+2” is selected, executing the Job adds the new measures to
both the two tracks, with the result that the length of two
tracks becomes the same. When “1” or “2” is selected, execut-
ing the Job adds new measures only to track 1 or 2, with the
result that the length of the two tracks will be different.
D Meas (Insertion point)
Determines the insertion point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
03: Delete Measure
This job deletes the specified measures of the current Song.
Measure and meter data following the deleted measures are
moved forward accordingly.
1 Track
Determines the track number to be deleted. When “1+2” is
selected, executing the Job removes the specified measures
from both the two tracks, with the result that the length of two
tracks becomes the same. When “1” or “2” is selected, execut-
ing the Job removes the specified measures only from track 1
or 2, with the result that the length of the two tracks will be
B Starting measure number of measure range
Determines the starting measure of the measure range to be
C Ending measure number of measure range
Determines the ending measure of the measure range to be
04: Erase Measure
This job clears all data from the specified measure range of
the current Song, producing a segment of silence.
Determines the track number to be erased.
B Starting measure number of measure range
Determines the starting measure of the measure range to be
C Ending measure number of measure range
Determines the ending measure of the measure range to be
1/4 – 16/4, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/16 – 16/16
Settings 001 – 999
Settings 1+2, 1, 2
Range 001 – 999
1 2
Settings 1+2, 1, 2
Range 001 – 999
Range 001 – 999
Settings 1, 2
Range 001 – 999
Range 001 – 999
1 2 3
1 2 3
Drum Kit mode Song mode Click mode Trigger mode File mode Utility mode Chain mode Sampling mode