Basic Structure of the DTXTREME III
DTXTREME III Owner’s Manual
Drum Kit mode
Song modeClick modeTr igger modeFile modeUtility modeChain modeSampling mode
An entire pad, the particular section you hit and how you play the pad as a source of the trigger signal are collectively
referred to as a “Trigger Input Source.” One Trigger Source generates one type of trigger signal. Depending on the model, up
to six Trigger Input Sources are provided in one pad. You can assign a Drum Voice to each Trigger Input Source on the DTX-
TREME III by following the instructions on page 79. Refer to the following list when assigning a Drum Voice.
■ Trigger Input Source List
Trigger Input Sources
Trigger Source
Input jack
How the Trigger Signal is generated
LCD indication Full spell
snareHd Snare Head (1) SNARE Hitting the head section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD).
snareOp Snare Open Rim (1) SNARE Hitting the open rim shot section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD).
snareCl Snare Closed Rim (1) SNARE Hitting the open closed shot section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD).
snrHdOff Snare Head Off (1) SNARE
Hitting the head section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD) when the
snappy setting (SnaresOn/Off parameter) is turned off.
snrOpOff Snare Open Rim Off (1) SNARE
Hitting the open rim shot section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD)
when the snappy setting (SnaresOn/Off parameter) is turned off.
snrClOff Snare Closed Rim Off (1) SNARE
Hitting the open closed shot section of the snare drum pad (e.g., TP120SD)
when the snappy setting (SnaresOn/Off parameter) is turned off.
tom1Hd Tom 1 Head (2) TOM1 Hitting the head section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
tom1Rm1 Tom 1 Rim 1 (2) TOM1 Hitting the rim 1 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
tom1Rm2 Tom 1 Rim 2 (2) TOM1 Hitting the rim 2 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
:: ::
tom4Hd Tom 4 Head (5) TOM4 Hitting the head section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
tom4Rm1 Tom 4 Rim 1 (5) TOM4 Hitting the rim 1 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
tom4Rm2 Tom 4 Rim 2 (5) TOM4 Hitting the rim 2 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
rideBw Ride Cymbal Bow (6) RIDE Hitting the bow section of the cymbal pad.
rideEg Ride Cymbal Edge (6) RIDE Hitting the edge section of the cymbal pad.
rideCp Ride Cymbal Cup (6) RIDE Hitting the cup section of the cymbal pad.
crash1Bw Crash Cymbal 1 Bow (7) CRASH1 Hitting the bow section of the cymbal pad.
crash1Eg Crash Cymbal 1 Edge (7) CRASH1 Hitting the edge section of the cymbal pad.
crash1Cp Crash Cymbal 1 Cup (7) CRASH1 Hitting the cup section of the cymbal pad.
crash2Bw Crash Cymbal 2 Bow (8) CRASH2 Hitting the bow section of the cymbal pad.
crash2Eg Crash Cymbal 2 Edge (8) CRASH2 Hitting the edge section of the cymbal pad.
crash2Cp Crash Cymbal 2 Cup (8) CRASH2 Hitting the cup section of the cymbal pad.
hhBwOp Hi-Hat Cymbal Open (9) HI-HAT
Hitting the bow section of the cymbal pad when it is not closed by the hi-hat
hhEgOp Hi-Hat Cymbal Edge Open (9) HI-HAT
Hitting the edge section of the cymbal pad when it is not closed by the hi-hat
hhBwCl Hi-Hat Cymbal Close (9) HI-HAT
Hitting the bow section of the cymbal pad when it is closed by the hi-hat con-
hhEgCl Hi-Hat Cymbal Edge Close (9) HI-HAT
Hitting the edge section of the cymbal pad when it is closed by the hi-hat
hhFtCl Hi-Hat Cymbal Foot Close (9) HI-HAT Pressing and holding the hi-hat controller by your foot.
hhSplsh Hi-Hat Cymbal Foot Splash (9) HI-HAT Pressing and immediately releasing the hi-hat controller.
kick Kick (10) KICK Pressing the kick pad by your foot.
pad11 Pad 11 (11) PAD11 Hitting the snare pad or tom pad.
pad12Hd Pad 12 Head (12) PAD12 Hitting the head section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
pad12Rm1 Pad 12 Rim 1 (12) PAD12 Hitting the rim 1 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
pad12Rm2 Pad 12 Rim 2 (12) PAD12 Hitting the rim 2 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
:: ::
pad15Hd Pad 15 Head (12) PAD15 Hitting the head section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
pad15Rm1 Pad 15 Rim 1 (12) PAD15 Hitting the rim 1 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).
pad15Rm2 Pad 15 Rim 2 (12) PAD15 Hitting the rim 2 section of the tom pad (e.g., TP100).