Utility Mode [UTILITY]
DTXTREME III Owner’s Manual
Drum Kit mode
Song modeClick modeTr igger modeFile modeUtility modeChain modeSampling mode
Song or Click playback of the DTXTREME III can be syn-
chronized with the external MIDI clock coming from the
MIDI device connected to the DTXTREME III. (Song or
Click conventionally plays according to the internal clock.)
From this display, the related parameters can be set.
1 MIDI Sync
Determines whether Song playback will be synchronized to
the instrument’s internal clock or an external MIDI clock.
Internal Synchronization to internal clock. Use this set-
ting when this instrument is to be used alone or
as the master clock source for other equipment.
MIDI MIDI Synchronization to a MIDI clock received
from an external MIDI instrument via MIDI.
B ClockOut
Determines whether MIDI clock (F8H) messages will be
transmitted from the DTXTREME III via MIDI.
C SeqCtrl
Determines whether Sequencer Control signals – start (FAH),
continue (FBH), and stop (FCH) – will be received and/or
transmitted via the MIDI OUT/USB terminal.
off Not transmitted/recognized.
In Recognized but not transmitted.
out Transmitted but not recognized.
in/out Transmitted/recognized.
Determines which physical output/input terminal(s) will be
used for transmitting/receiving MIDI data.
B ThruPort
When using the USB terminal for MIDI transmission/recep-
tion, you can have the DTXTREME III respond to MIDI data
over one port, while relaying the data for another port number
(which can be set here) to a separate tone generator (con-
nected to the MIDI OUT terminal).
C Merge
This parameter allows you to mix incoming MIDI data
(received via MIDI IN) with MIDI data generated on the
DTXTREME III, and output them together from MIDI OUT.
Merge is enabled when this is set to on. This parameter is use-
ful when you want to control a MIDI tone generator con-
nected to the DTXTREME III by playing a different MIDI
keyboard connected to the DTXTREME III and playing the
drum pads at the same time.
D DeviceNo.
Determines the device number used by the DTXTREME III
in receiving or transmitting data. This number must match the
Device Number of the external MIDI device when transmit-
ting/receiving bulk data, parameter changes or other system
exclusive messages.
all When this is selected, system exclusive mes-
sages for all MIDI device numbers are received.
The DTXTREME III is recognized as Device
Number 1.
off When this is selected, system exclusive mes-
sages such as bulk dump and parameter
change cannot be transmitted or received.
When you try to execute transmission or recep-
tion of system exclusive messages, an error
message appears.
Resetting the User Memory to the Initial Factory Settings [F6] FACTSET
The original factory settings of the DTXTREME III’s User Memory (page 76) can be restored. For details and instructions,
see page 27.
MIDI Sync Settings
Settings internal, MIDI
• When the MIDI Sync parameter is set to MIDI, make sure that the
external MIDI equipment or computer connected to the DTXTREME
III can transmit MIDI clock data.
Settings off, on
Settings off, in, out, in/out
2 3
MIDI Other Settings
Settings MIDI, USB
Settings 1, 2
Settings off, on
Settings 1 – 16, all, off